Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cypress Pint and Plate

Two words: Sublime Burger

You bastards just popped my cherry. Take a gander at these prime specimens posted in the pics gallery... Pure Royalty. You can put a couple of hooks on them and sell them to the Queen of England as fucking earrings... Yeah, that's how radical they are. That shit is majestic, an urban legend reborn. Luther Vandross has risen and on the 3rd day, I will still be digesting that badass. Hallelujah!

You think you can have this piece of culinary genius in Russia, China, France, England or Preston, Idaho? Hellz no, you can only find it here, pal... America, Fuck yeah! What a country!

Slap the Hamdog on the menu and I will pinch out that elusive 5th star. But don't get too giddy with the food oddities, though... Such as the McGangBang. That manifestation is a travesty to all that's holy... Especially, my hole.

I love you, Cypress!


817 W Peachtree St
Atlanta, GA 30308
(404) 815-9243

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