Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Piu Bello Pizzeria

I am a glutton for punishment. I shoulda known from the name of this joint. Peeee-U! My Belly-O hurts!

Since a fellow Nu Yawka and I have very similar taste with NYC 'ZA, I HAD to give it a whirl after reading his review. I prayed it was just a fluke with his experience. I went in on a Friday night. Empty. Ok, they just opened, I'll give them that. But it's true that the slices, calzones, strombolis, sausage rolls, etc are all sitting out behind a glass counter like 'Sbarro'. Meh. The most wacky thing here is that they DO NOT have a pizza menu! WTF?! You have 'Pizzeria" in your name but not listed on the menu? Now I know why. They musta been smoking some good chronic when they priced their pasta entrees... it was way too high for a shanty like this. Mebbe the landlord was smoking some wacky weedus as well.

I ordered a large cheez pie. Watched him rolled it out, nice. Then watched him put it on an aerated pan... WTF?! Not good bro, not good. I already knew what it would taste like... but the sauce and cheese were surprisingly decent. The crust was thin but ZERO CHAR and dried out like a dog biscuit. The bottom of the crust looked like fish scales. GROSS.

Was this guy anal retentive? Did he not wanted to get his oven dirty? Ah, hello... a real 'ZA oven should be dirty and seasoned, that's what gives it the real char and flavor on the bottom.

I don't know if this family is from NYC or not but it definitely lacked the atmosphere of a true pizzeria. A little advice from one NY'er to another: Only amateurs use pie pans.

Hey, Jimmy... give me a pizza with nuthin'. Whadda...


3330 Piedmont Rd
Ste 27A
Atlanta, GA 30305
(404) 814-0304

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