Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Las Palmeras

Cuban chow is hard to come by in ITP... and I'm talking about meals not just the Cuban sammie. Papi's is ok. Coco Loco is more like Cuckoo Loco. Salsa Havana is water down slop. Havana is good but not extensive enuff. Palomilla's and Little Cuba is too much of a crunch on the gas tank these days.

Then there's this joint. A great little hidden barrio mom & pop gem. The grub is classic home cooking and tasty... it's no wonder it has been around for so long.

Empanada- crispy light and savory.
Pollo Frito- classic dish and tasty. Eventhough it ain't as hefty as the rotisserie half bird.
Cuban- very good bwead and done properly.
Boliche- tender but kinda chincy on the portion.
Fried Yuca- crispy and tasty, a lot better than the regular Yuca.
Black Beans & Rice- its a fluffy and tasty filler.

Viva El Che, Viva La Revolucion, Viva Las Palmeras!
Now, Camarero, where's my Cuban pollo fwito?



368 5th St NE
Atlanta, GA 30308
(404) 872-0846

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