Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wet Willies

MLK, Jr. had a dream once...

And it wasn't a Wet one.

Let freedom ring from the bowels of my pouch!

The caliber of this joint's menu can be summed up in one word - "Hold the Cheese Fries - Same fries. No cheese."

That shit is pretty witty. I know what you're asking yourself... How can they top that? ...Oh, but they can with the "No Chicken Nachos". Free 'Shock Treatment' to the first person who can guess what's not in there.

Fucking priceless.

This place has Winner written all over it... Or is that pronounced "Wiener"?

Stick a moist finger in my ear because I'm done with this Kool-Aid flavored rinse cycle slush.

Call A Cab? ...No, Call A Proctologist.


0 Star.

2450 Piedmont Rd
Atlanta, GA 30324
(404) 816-0151

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