Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Deadwood Saloon

I didn't take any pics but imagine if you will, tumbleweeds rolling across the dusty old plains...

Deadwood is aptly named... This shit was as dead as a 60 yr old man's erection. No amount of Viagra can get this shit up. Number of patrons on a Tuesday night, ZERO. (On a previous Friday night, 3. One of them was a possum.) The decor is 99.4% exactly the same as previous tenant except for a couple of six shooters hanging up. I took a run around the entire joint... Looks like they spent about a total of $86.86, about the same amount to renovate a dorm room.

Another smelly college bar is exactly what Atlanta needs... Fuck me, stop the madness already. It's places like this that's holding Atlanta back, it's not Buckhead circa 1997 anymore. Atlanta gets what Atlanta deserves and obviously, it looks like the pedestrians want more crappy college bars to wear their popped collar Polo and khakis finest to get drunk and get laid. Not that there is anything wrong with getting your dick wet... But this place is wrong in so many ways.

Reincarnated from the old Twisted Taco (which was total crap in a basket anyways, no wonder they got out of Dodge) comes this Western theme bar (again), boasting an incredible menu whom's specialty is the (take a guess)... Burgers! Another fucking burger joint. The menu is not even worthy to be spit on. Let's get to the drinks shall we... So, I can get fucked up and not remember where I was the night before. First signs of trouble, no bitters or simple syrup. Just give me whiskey, no, the whole bottle. The bartender was a good sport though, he didn't know how to make drinks besides a vodka and redbull, but he tried to make some classic cocktails like my whiskey old fashioned. Came out like donkey piss but he tried, bravo to him. Stick with beer, that's something the bartender excels in.

It was supposedly "Trivia Night"... It sure was trivial, not a single person in the whole joint, no wonder the bartender/manager/server/one-man-band sent the Trivia dude home early... Like walked in and walked out early. It was pathetic. Then he proceeded to tell me about their famous packed annual events they will be having... Famous? Annual? You have been opened for 2 fucking weeks, I'm not a dumb fucking bimbo. Where did you learn your marketing skills? I hope it wasn't the same PR people hired to open the joint (crickets). At this rate, you might as well drink as much free booze as you can before this place shuts down... Just sayin'.

This is just another temporary stand-in until the next themed bar takes it's place... How about a beach/tiki theme joint next?

The things I go through for my fan.

0 Star.

66 12th St NE
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 671-4290

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