Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ramen Lab

Sun Noodle has officially became a threat to all the incredible ramen joints found all over the city... But you may ask can they even compete with the highly praised ramen joints coming in this late to the game? I would think they would say 'FUCK YEAH' and 'Fuck you' because they make the damn noodles for most of the heavy hitters across the nation. Everyone already knows their noodles are the shit... Why not start up a brick and mortar shop? This ain't a shop, it's basically a friggin Porta Potty with first class decor and finishing touches... Ok, it's not that fancy. They don't even have fucking chairs or stools to sit on. The place fits 10 people, standing up. Literally, if you are lucky enough to get into the spot (come early, like 15 mins before they open), your order is taken outside and then you file in like a fucking penguin and stand at attention in your spot until they deliver you the most amazing bowl of noods you have ever tasted. You don't believe this fat fuck? Take a gander below...

Shoyu Ramen. Look at this gorgeous crap in a bowl. The broth is ridiculous, the aroma, flavor, complexity, color and anything else you want to call it, it's in there. The thin noodles are perfect, just toothy enough at that perfect stage of texture... The spring and bounce was like Christie Brinkley's hair when she was at her prime. They don't overload it with toppings and other fillers, just the right amount for texture and contrast... The noodles and broth are the stars of the show. This is one damn fine bowl of ramen... And it's not even fucking tonkotsu! Fuck me, I'm a convert to shoyu ramen.

XO Miso Ramen. This is the 'vegetarian' version. The broth is thicker, way thicker with the miso and XO. And the noodles are fatter and rounder so it can pick up the thicker broth better. I like this a lot but the shoyu is the motherfucking tits. Once you start eating this (because you have already slurped down the entire bowl of shoyu and you're a fat ass like me) bowl, it really develops on your palate... I found myself not as interested at first but then it really takes hold after awhile and you can't stop eating this, too... Well, maybe it's also because of the people standing outside looking in at you waiting and waiting for you to finish. No pressure, it's like peeing in front of a crowd when you're not drunk, not that I would know, a friend told me about his experience. But anyways, this bowl would blow away most other competition without a sweat.

The master, Jack Nakamura, preparing the tasty morsels in this tiny ass kitchen. If you are lucky enough to be there when he's cooking, you gotta pay attention to the way he strains the noodles. It's like a skilled bartender shaking a proper cocktail. He flings or whips the strainer super fast to get the water off but retains the spring and bounce in the noodle right before serving.

The golden locks ready to be submerged for service.

There's no surprise why there aren't any chairs up in this place... #1, the space is tiny, #2, they only offer two different bowls of ramen, and #3, they want you to eat your shit and go, there's a line waiting.. This ain't no cheap Chino AYCE buffet where you gorge on slop for 2 hours. And lastly, all these things combined together creates an amazing and unforgettable experience even though it's just noodle soup. I'm ready for another bowl or 8.

Go now, fat boy, before I eat eveyting...


70 Kenmare St.
New York, NY 10012

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