Anyone who's been here knows there is no "lounge" up in this piece. It's a tiny bar in the corner. No one is lounging here nor do they want to. It's a restaurant. Period. Perhaps a "bistro" at best. Stop pretending you're more than what you are. You're not fooling anyone with eyes, even those with a brown eye. I hate the shit that restaurants pull but let's get back to the issue at hand... The food.
So, what is the cuisine? The name says French. The owners say Mediterranean. The menu says international. The crowd says geriatrics. Serio, yo, it was totally the older crowd, not that there is anything wrong with that but eating a meal surrounded by Fixodent and the silver haired gives me the creeps. Speaking of creepy... The host/owner is a scary presence. He reminded me of a dictator in some 3rd world country. He was holding this pen all night like it was a detonator. He seemed a little agitated when my 4 top became a 3 top because the 4th friend of a friend person bailed out for some reason or other. Relax, Hans Gruber. Shit happens, so please don't beat me with your shoe or bomb my place, just feed me, Mistor.

Beet Salad - It had beets and ruffage... Nothing to pull down your underpants about.

Sweet Bread - I love this shit but this tasted precooked and refired a couple minutes in the oven before it came out. It was chewy and dried out. It wasn't totally offal, though. Yeah, I know that was cheesy. Durrr.

Pork Tenderloin - Coulda been a little more pink on the inside but acceptable. Nothing really spectacular about this dish. I mean look at it, you can do this at home. What's with da canned corn kernels?

Pan Seared Scottish Salmon - Nice crispy skin and color but the salmon was a little dry inside. Seems like that's the protocol here, fire off a bunch of stuff pre-hand and cooked through 80% and then refired in the oven when the order comes in. Great for volume but not for taste... Especially, at this price point. Oh, joy, more canned cornholio. Anyone have teepee for my bung... Nevermind.

Pecorino Risotto - Rice, rice, baybee. That is all.

Tunisian Beignets - I'm not a dessert person but this was prolly the best dish of the night. Fluffy, fresh, moist fried dough with a blossom honey ice cream. Not too shabby. Oh, yeah and some shaved nuts... That's what she said.
Service was somewhat strange... A bit too formal for a "smart" casual joint. Mebbe it was for the blue hairs. Will I rush back here for the food? Likely not but they did just open their pizza place next door. Tartufo sounded interesting and promising but after seeing their 'ZA... No thanks. Mebbe in a couple months when they actually start using wood and not gas, electric or hamster wheel powered.
Yippee ki yay, mofo... I got your detonators right here.
2.5 Stars.
3133 Piedmont Road Northeast
Atlanta, GA 30305-2516
(404) 748-1229
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