There aren't many places in the world that holds so many great culinary destinations like NYC does... Discovered or undiscovered by the mass media. Not that there's anything wrong with the big name resto tourist traps for the trust fund rednecks that move up to the big city and claiming themselves New Yorkers. Eating at Per Se, Eleven Madison Park, The Mark, etc etc does not define the true definition of NYC's food scene... It's the small mom & pop shops that does. I have eaten my fair share of fancy pants fine dining in NYC but to me, it's the street foods and smaller establishments that defines you as a true NY'er. Because NY'ers are fucking insane and we like to eat crazy ass shit. These fucking weekend warriors are sheep and as Gordon Gecko says, "Sheep gets slaughtered." Wait a minute, can I get that sashimi style?
Lower Manhattan is where it's at... So many hidden gems. Some so secretive that only a tiny discreet sign marks their location and a camera looking out to see if you fit the profile for entry. It doesn't matter how much money you have, it's all about style. This little "Yakiniku" (grilled meat) joint does it right with style, ingredients and atmosphere... Everything you expect to find in a diversed culinary city. This ain't for tourists.

A tiny little shack (it was 2 levels) in the EVill that held a tastee surprise inside...

Raw Beef Tongue Nigiri- It looks like I was Fronch kissing a cow but it tasted more like Fronch kissing Pamela Anderson on a boat... It was slutty yet classy. Next stop... Wal-Mart for some caviar and water crackers. Damn, that shit was good.

Toro - Even though, I hate seeing fatty tuna pouch chopped up, this was quite delicious if not authentic by the hands of a master sushi chef. Thank baby Jesus, they don't do fucking rolls... Sorry, sooshee connoisseurs... There's always RA Shitshi in Atlanta for your fried avocado cream cheese surimi rolls bathe in hot sweet sauce. The horror, the horror.

Salmon Belly - Alrighty then, I don't usually get salmon but this ain't your run of the mill "Sake"... You can't get any fwesher than this. This joint might not be a fancy schmancy over priced sushi joint for white people but when you're in a town with fish that was alive a couple hours ago... There is no comparison to fish that was flown in from Tsukiji market. Ok, I was kidding about that... It ain't no Sushi Dai but it was fucking awesome nonetheless.

Karaage - Yeah, yeah... You knew this would show up. Fwied chicken, baybee!!! Done the right way with bone in for that extra flava. I could put away a pound of this stuff in my pouch.

Fried Squid Legs - Just another classic Izakaya dish that had to be part of the team. Crispy and tender. Why do I love eating between legs? Shit was not fishy at all like some chicks I've had. Did I say that out loud... No comment.

Ika - Whole raw squid... You can eat that shit raw but I rather grill that bad boy. Oh, man... I want another order. The would look good as bracelets on my wrist... Eating on the run. Anyhoo, this was just simple and delicious with a little lemon and Kewpie.

Look at all that fucking amazing marbled Kobe meat!!! It's... Glorious!

Flame on! (it woulda been cooler if it was with hard wood charcoal... Fuck city ordinances!)

Kobe Short Ribs - The pic doesn't do it justice but believe me... That Kobe mud flap was full of marbling and incredibly fresh deep red color. I even ate it raw... Cooking is for wimps. Naw, I just couldn't wait for it to finish cooking.

Kobe Strip - Not as good as the short rib but it ain't Alpo neither... Marinated and grilled up tender. Wrap that man meat in lettuce and just shove it in your piehole and smile.
A fun little place that is awesome with a small group of friends or just rolling solo. I would be in big twouble if my apartment was on this block... Don't worry, it's on the next block. But shhh, PDT, bitches, PDT... Please Don't Tell.
BTW- Check your fucking shoes at the door... This ain't no Ru Sans.
4 Stars.
218 E 9th St
(between 2nd Ave & 3rd Ave)
New York, NY 10003
Neighborhood: East Village
(212) 979-9238